* Required

Student Information

Parent/Guardian Information

If you prefer not to share, please enter NA into the field.

In-person Learning Days Transportation Information

For the Blended Learning option in-person learning days, transportation is available for Hopkins Public Schools DIstrict residents and Equity Options eligible families.

Open-enrolled/out-of-district families (those not eligible for Equity Options) are responsible for providing transportation for their student on in-person learning days.

There are times when Open-enrolled/out-of-district families are eligible to take the bus from an existing bus stop. Please reach out to VirtualEDU staff for more information: VirtualEDU@HopkinsSchools.org. Or, visit the Hopkins Transportation web page.

The VirtualEDU school site is located inside the Hopkins East Building, 5300 Glenwood Ave, Golden Valley, MN, near Meadowbrook Elementary and Hwy. 100 and Glenwood Avenue.

If you live outside the Hopkins School District and have not already applied for Open Enrollment, you must complete and return:

  1. the VirtualEDU Application (the form you are currently completing)
  2. AND an Open Enrollment Application: Click here for online Open Enrollment Application.

Both applications must be completed in order for the enrollment team to process your application for enrollment. If you have any questions about open enrollment, please call 952-988-4110 or email Enrollment@HopkinsSchools.org.

Important Program Information

The State of Minnesota requires that VirtualEDU students live at an address in the State of Minnesota and attend VirtualEDU from within the state of Minnesota.​​​​​​
If you are offered and accept placement in VirtualEDU, it is a 1-year (school year) commitment. Your child will not be eligible to transfer to another school until the next school year.​​​​​​​
For Blended Option in-person learning days, transportation is only available for Hopkins Public School's residents and Equity Options eligible families.​ Please contact VirtualEDU if you are a resident and need transportation for your student on in-person learning days: VirtualEDU@HopkinsSchools.org. There is no transportation available for out-of-district families for in-person learning days. ​​​ Visit HopkinsSchools.org/transportation to contact the transportation department.​
The Hopkins School District stands ready to provide a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) based on the educational needs identified in the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP). In addition: The Minnesota Department of Education and their Online Learning Provider accreditation requires if your child receives special services that an IEP meeting must be held prior to enrollment in an online program. When a child with an IEP is offered placement in VirtualEDU the parent/guardian(s) and the IEP team will collaborate to determine (1) FAPE location of special education and related services as directed by the IEP and (2) modify IEP goals and services to ensure the child’s needs are met in the new online educational setting.​​​

Parent/Guardian Electronic Signature